uniquely Accurate market intelligence
Gain a more powerful vantage point
CMi2i delivers unique investor intelligence and strategic advice that provides the world’s largest issuers with a more powerful vantage point by which to conduct IR programmes, AGMs, transactions and activist defences.
New regulations, greater shareholder accountability, more active voting, and the integration of ESG principles into investment processes have increased the importance of knowing who shareholders are and what their investment approach might be. Having this knowledge has become a primary enabler of effective investor engagement and an early warning sign of potential corporate reputation issues.
CMi2i provides the full spectrum of investor relations and C-suite support services, ranging from the most accurate shareholder identification service available to intelligence-based proxy and transactional support.
Integrated Solutions
Reach your goals
Shareholder & Bondholder Identification Analysis
Beneficial Owner & Asset Manager Identification
Voting Mandate Identification
Risks, Opportunities & Recommendations (ROAR)
Corporate Governance / AGM / EGM Risk Assessment
Financial Equity Story Assessment
Regulatory Reporting Obligations
US SEC Tier I and Tier II Regulatory Analysis
Issues & Crisis Management
Information Agency Services
Corporate Governance Roadshows
Capital Markets Days & Investor Roadshows
Investor Relations Advisory Support Services
Management & Investor Relations Coaching
Bondholder insights
Expertise when it matters
Companies are facing unprecedented challenges. Debt is being comprehensively restructured, once exemplary rated corporate bonds are at risk of downgrades, and governments are being forced to buy corporate bonds. CMi2i offers solutions and expertise to help with many of the debt issues facing today’s companies. Our world-renown debt team has worked with issuers and their advisors across the globe on both corporate actions and Debt IR activities, analysing over $100 billion worth of bondholders in the secondary market. Key debt services include:
Debt Investor Targeting
Transactional / Debt Restructuring Support