Global Bondholder Identification



CMi2i’s world-renown debt team has worked with issuers and their advisors across the globe on both corporate actions and debt IR activities, analysing over $100 billion worth of bondholders in the secondary market. Our methodology ensures the highest possible percentage of bondholders are identified, and our experienced analysts ensure you understand the intelligence you receive.

Like with equities, fund data in the public domain is too dated, incomplete and doesn’t contain the right contact information for corporate actions and engagement. Relying on public data compromises your ability to engage with bondholders and achieve your desired results.

With CMi2i you can be confident that this crucial step of your programme has been done as accurately and completely—increasing your opportunity for success.


How we help

Crucial debt intelligence



We have worked on over 1,000 Corporate Transactions and Restructurings where real-time ownership intelligence, accurate decision maker mapping and technical knowledge are critical parts of success or failure. We identify many more (often up to 70% more) bondholders than can be found through the public domain, even if there has been heaving trading on the secondary market.

  • Daily updates on disclosures

  • Information at the fund level, not just the institutional level

  • Geographic information included (at the beneficial owner level)

  • ESG information included

  • Clear beneficial ownership information

  • Look-Through Analysis: bonds held by US resident beneficiaries

  • Report delivery call to highlight key findings

  • Issuer Agent services


CMi2i’s bondholder identification reports allow issuers to successfully plan and carry out their day-to-day IR activities as well as corporate transactions. CMi2i also provides bondholder identification reports specifically designed to meet regulatory and tax certification requirements, including withholding tax exemption rules and SEC Rule 802.

  • Information published at the fund level, not just the institutional level

  • Geographic information included (at the beneficial owner level)

  • ESG information included

  • Analyst insights and board report included

  • Issuer Agent services

  • SEC prescribed Look-Through Analysis for an SEC Rule 802 exemption

  • Beneficial Owner Residency report for regulatory and tax certification requirements, incl withholding tax exemption based on bondholder residency.

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We needed bondholders identified on 20 ISINs very quickly. Not only did CMi2i identify more holders than we thought was possible, they did it ahead of schedule.


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Unparalleled Quality

Why we are different

The key to a successful Bondholder Analysis study is having both a robust and proven methodology, and an analyst team which fully understands the debt capital markets and current investment trends. Due to trading on the secondary market, order books from the initial issue become outdated very quickly. CMi2i’s Global Bondholder Identification Analysis is able to bridge the gap between actual holders of company bonds and the information available from issue and the public domain, providing you with the most accurate report possible.

  • CMi2i is able to identify the beneficial owners (down to fund level)

  • Reports contain contact details, location information, investment type and historical trends

  • Quick turnaround if needed

  • PDF Board Report includes an overview and visual representation (graphs) into buying and selling trends and peer/market insights


Have a question?

Contact our debt team

MASSI SMITH Head of Debt Intelligence


Head of Debt Intelligence

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