Voices that matter
Investor Perception Studies
Perception studies allow analysts and investors to anonymously give their views of a company’s products, pipeline, strategy, leadership, financial performance, and investor communications efforts.
They offer insights that enable management teams to uncover issues that they are then able to address to improve the company’s image and investor relations efforts. It’s also helpful for issuers to hear what they are doing right, so they don’t spend time on things that are already working well.
Ideally, a company should perform a perception study annually to track progress in addressing issues identified in the initial, baseline survey. The results will help you define IR plans, develop new messaging, pinpoint areas that need improvement and shore up your overall IR strategy.
CMi2i offers overall perception studies, and focused perceptions studies on a particular topic such as ESG. Our perception studies are executed by senior analysts and advisors who understand your sector, company background and current challenges. This is a fundamental difference between us and other providers.
Interested in an ESG perception study? Click here >