CMi2i Expands Proxy & Activist Defence Team’s Depth and Capabilities
With shareholder activism on the rise, CMi2i has been investing in its activist defence solution, creating a larger team with a powerhouse of depth and experience. The team, led by Nancy Hameni, is currently handling some of the worlds’ most complex and challenging activist situations.
The team’s experience covers all sectors and regions and includes high profile cases such as MP Evans defence against KLKepong International Ltd and Barclay’s defence against Sherborne.
CMi2i have been the go-to provider for corporations who want to ensure with certainty that the bedrock of their defence—shareholder identification—is accurate throughout the battle. Being able to provide this cornerstone of insight has allowed the CMi2i team to work with advisors, boards and management teams to win some of the most difficult activist battles seen in recent corporate history. Now, with a broader team, including new hire Ana Strengari from DF King, CMi2i is poised to provide even more formidable activist defence support.
CMi2i’s Nancy Hameni comments, “In recent years activism has evolved from a confrontational proxy contest to more of a “collaborative” type of activism, focusing on long term performance issues, which increasingly gains support from other long-term shareholders. This makes battles tougher and the need for corporate preparedness and engagement that much more crucial.”
She continues, “Corporate preparedness starts with a forensic, in-depth assessment of the issuer’s governance in which we evaluate weak points that could be used by the activist. We then develop a clear strategy with other advisors to ensure we are ready for anything the activist may propose or do. Finally, we engage with shareholders to gauge whether or not they share similar concerns to the activist. Once we have done all that we begin the proactive campaign.”
For those companies who are interested in finding out if there are activists present in the shareholder base before they build up a stake or launch a campaign, CMi2i offers Activist Alert—a service which entails a forensic shareholder identification analysed by experts who are able to spot an activist even if they have invested covertly. The CMi2i analysts not only detect the presence of activists, but the likelihood of an attack based on a variety of susceptibility measures.
“Truth be told,” continues Hameni, “Companies that are getting the right intelligence are unlikely to reach the point where they actually need Activist Defence services. A lot can be avoided simply by watching the shareholder base with an expert eye.”
CMi2i has over 500 clients worldwide, worked on more than 1000 transactions. To learn more about CMi2i’s Activist Defence services click here or email
About CMi2i
CMi2i is a leader in capital markets intelligence, specialising in the world’s most accurate Equity & Debtholder identification service. As an issuer agent, CMi2i supports issuers and their advisors with investor relations, M&A, shareholder activism, capital restructuring and reputation management goals. The company has supported more than 1000 corporate transactions, 1200 AGMs and has over 500 clients worldwide. CMi2i’s LIBOR Solution provides an end-to-end service for issuers wishing to identify bondholders and solicit their approval for the new rate.